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December 20, 2011
Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
December 20, 2010

Joint meeting with Princeton Board of Selectmen

Advisory members in attendance: Terry Hart, Alan Sentkowski, John Shipman, and Stan Moss; absent: Joe Lotuff and Jim O’Coin

The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm.

Town Administrator John Lebeaux present his initial FY12 Revenue estimates for discussion. Noted were lower anticipated Local Receipts and State Aid, and the ending of Thomas Prince Schools bond (SBA) reimbursements.

The BOS and AC discussed budgeting guidelines for department heads. John Lebeaux stated that a few department heads were stating that years of flat expense budgets were making things ‘really tight’.  The BOS and AC agreed that rather than issue a budget guidance letter at this time, John Lebeaux would discuss department needs with the department heads to get a more informed sense of critical needs and the potential impacts of flat or somewhat increased department expense budgets.

The Advisory Committee voted to accept the minutes of their previous meeting as written,

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Submitted by Stan Moss, AC Recorder